This luxurious elegant scarf from THE SPARKLE COLLECTION by german pool is made with finest quality 100% cashmere and it is hand-embellished with more than 388 pieces of Austrian-made Swarovski® crystals. Extra soft with a velvety touch. It is the most chic yet practical must-have piece for every wardrobe. It is fabulously radiant and comes in black color that fits for any occasion including work, travel or events.
華麗高雅與實用兼飾的100%全羊絨Cashmere - THE SPARKLE COLLECTION by german pool圍巾,材質選用被喻為動物纖維中的黃金-羊絨配合精密紡織工藝編織而成,觸感輕盈柔軟且舒適保暖。披肩上更由工藝師以人手點綴逾388顆奧地利施華洛世奇®水晶,整體設計更添時尚感。經典黑色易於配襯不同場合或衣著風格,尤其適合女士配襯晚裝,高貴大方,矜貴典雅,盡顯瑰麗氣派。
Name: 【THE STARRY SKY】100% Cashmere Scarf with Swarovski® Crystals
SKU: Size: 205cm (L) x 75 cm (W)
Description : Cashmere Scarf with Pure Swarovski® Crystal
Material : Woven from 100% Mongolian cashmere (180-gram-weight)
Crystal : 388 pcs
Gross Weight: 0.5kg
*Each individual stone is meticulously hand set by experienced jewel setters; product images are for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the actual product.
*此THE SPARKLE COLLECTION by German Pool系列產品嚴選珍貴而璀璨的施華洛世奇®天然寶石或水晶元素,產品採用施華洛世奇®研發的貼合技術及專用黏合物料進行加工,並由經驗豐富的工匠進行手工逐粒鑲嵌或拼貼,基於每顆天然寶石及水晶元素之大小或有不同,每件作品最終效果會有微細差異。以上圖片僅作參考,一切以實物為准。
*如因人為因素導致寶石或水晶元素脫落、磨損、斷裂或其他損耗,THE SPARKLE COLLECTION by German Pool提供修復服務,相關費用另行報價。