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3 Simple Steps to Get Your Exclusive Virtual Measurements

Try our simple, convenient, and private virtual measurement in 60 seconds The Sparkle Collection strives to find the perfect fit for each of our customers. Leveraging the advanced 3D measuring technology, we bring you to a journey where modern Western elements meet with traditional Chinese heritage. Let's start the simple process together now! Next, input your data to get your estimated size. Technology allows us to measure the human body with up to 98% of accuracy. But there might be some issues that decrease accuracy. Thus we advise keeping in mind our recommendations while taking photos. Photos are processed to our server via a secure channel and then deleted. The only information we keep is your measurements - we use them to make...


品牌創辦人及長衫設計師Karen Chan接受 @JESSICA Hong Kong 專訪

輕奢時尚品牌THE SPARKLE COLLECTION創辦人及長衫設計師Karen Chan喜獲 #JESSICA #旭苿 頒發極具影響力的2020 Most Successful Women Award!Karen並接受 JESSICA Hong Kong 專訪,向讀者分享打理家族生意的點滴與心路歷程,同時亦將THE SPARKLE COLLECTION的創立過程娓娓道來!【詳情請閲】【THE SPARKLE COLLECTION】    專欄全文 → 按此



德國寶(香港)有限公司榮獲「傑出家族企業大獎2020」,頒奬當日,THE SPARKLE COLLECTION創辦人及德國寶副總裁Karen身穿品牌2021全新「傳承.蛻變」系列旗袍盛裝出席,向一眾評委講解業務,分享傳承心得;Karen深信多元化產品能滿足巿場需要,由最初起家的電熱水爐,到媽媽級日常廚房電器,以至各式各樣的迷你家電、廚櫃傢俬訂製、長衫衣飾、珠寶飾物、以及抗疫產品,都讓企業邁向衣、食、住、行的方向發展! 專欄全文 → 按此
